Posts Tagged ‘ twitter ’

State of the Yarrbear

Apologies for not posting in a while. Python has entered a “cold phase” of very low activity, and I have barely been playing Eve. In the meantime, I am training Logistics V, as I plan on flying a Scimitar soon. I could also fly a Guardian, but no one in Python really flies armor tanked ships any more. Andrea Skye, a fellow corpmate, has written about why this is the case on his blog.

Omgah, another Python, has written down his thoughts about his corpmates on his blog. This is his assessment of me: “This guy was a guy we spent months trying to recruit. He finally gave in and joined one month  ago. Hes all around pretty chill. I think he likes flying the Ishtar but that might have changed with the pirate ship boost.” One small error: I do not have the skills to fly an Ishtar. He probably meant my Myrmidon, which is rusting in my hangar due to being too vulnerable to all the nano ships currently flying around lowsec.

In other news, Casiella has written a short guide to hanging with the TweetFleet. If you are not already a tweetfleeter (and even if you are), I highly recommend reading it. Also do not forget to read my Tweet Fleet overview page.

Better Eve Online Debate

Although blogging does increase the amount Eve Online players are able to discuss particular issues about Eve Online, it is inherently one-sided. Replies and discussion either have to be on a whole separate blog or in the comments. The first method is very time intensive, and the second is difficult to access and sort out. This is where CreateDebate comes in, a site specifically designed for enabling people to write arguments and rate them (I have tried out other debate sites as well, but none are as clean and intuitive as CreateDebate).

But why should we capsuleers use this? Would it not be yet another burden that keeps us from flying spaceships? I do not believe so. The Eve Forums are ugly and a terrible pain to use. Blogs are fairly time intensive (thus there are only 100ish active bloggers out of 300,000 players) and wanting at hosting discussion. Twitter helps more people participate in conversation (200+ active tweetfleeters), yet lacks depth due to its simplicity. CreateDebate fits perfectly into the holes these methods have.

CreateDebate obviously is not designed specifically for Eve Online, so how can we use it? Well, first of all, here are two sample debates (feel free to participate!): What Changes Do You Most Want in Eve Online? and Speed Boost for Assault Frigates?. As you can see, CreateDebate allows you to post arguments, write arguments in reply, and vote arguments up and down. CreateDebate keeps it organized and gives you some interesting stats.

All you have to do to participate is sign up and start voting and writing. If you create your own debate, make sure to put “eveonline” (without quotes) in the tags so that it appears in this Eve-only RSS feed:

There are millions of potential debates that could be conducted on CreateDebate (“What is the most annoying Eve bug?” and “Which ships need a buff/nerf?”). I am hoping that this debate site will facilitate increased interaction among Eve Online capsuleers, just like the TweetFleet has done on Twitter. If you have any better suggestions or have a catchy name for this debate group, please let me know (either in the comments or via a debate/message on CreateDebate)!

Tweet, Tweet

With the long-awaited introduction of Twitter lists, the old TweetFleet listing that I kept is no longer necessary. So here are some Twitter lists for you to follow:

@00sage00/eveonline – The latest Eve Online news on Twitter.
@00sage00/tweetfleet – All active TweetFleeters. Inactive ones are removed regularly.

The only drawback to the lists is that there are no tags (blogger, CEO, courier, industrialist, logistics, mercenary, miner, missioner, ninja salvager, pirate, podcaster, PvPer, ratter, role player, trader, wormhole explorer), but it seems that ninja salvagers, missioners, miners, and can flippers fraternize perfectly well on Twitter, so hopefully it will not make too much of a difference. :P

The TweetFleet is dead. Long live the TweetFleet!

The contents of the old TweetFleet list are below (or see this backup):

The Tweet Fleet is a listing of the elite top 40 Eve Online Tweeters. link.

Tags: blogger, CEO, courier, industrialist, logistics, mercenary, miner, missioner, ninja salvager, pirate, podcaster, PvPer, ratter, role player, trader, wormhole explorer.

Tweet Fleet

@00sage00blogger, missioner, ninja salvager, PvPer, ratter, wormhole explorer
@Alexia_Morganblogger, PvPer, ratter
@AnMiThblogger, industrialist
@autumn_aetherblogger, missioner, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@bel_amar – industrialist, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@BorisHotch (HelpMyMission)site, podcaster, missioner
@casiellablogger, industrialist, pirate, role player, trader
@chainercygnusblogger, industrialist, miner, PvPer, role player, trader, wormhole explorer
@chocolips (Kalahari Wayrest)blogger, missioner, role player, wormhole explorer
@Crimsoneerblogger, industrialist
@ericschoblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer
@eve_riotrickblogger, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@evewarriorblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer
@Galen_Druid (Wandering Druid)blogger, pirate, PvPer
@Happy_Sanblogger, pirate, PvPer
@Iambeastxblogger, missioner, PvPer
@jamesSp – PvPer
@jorshanblogger, industrialist, miner, missioner
@K162spaceblogger, industrialist, miner, wormhole explorer
@Kelduum (Director of Eve University)site, CEO
@KirithKodachiblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer, trader, wormhole explorer
@MissionsCollidepodcaster, industrialist, miner, missioner, trader
@Mordozanblogger, missioner, ninja salvager, trader
@Mynxeeblogger, CEO, pirate, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@Novon_, gambler, mercenary, miner, trader
@Pastor Phelpsblogger, missioner, PvPer
@podded101 – missioner, PvPer
@R_Javorskyblogger, missioner
@Retticblogger, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@StMistaken – industrialist, logistics
@vol_jblolazblogger, CEO, industrialist, PvPer
@wensleyblogger, pirate, PvPer

Official CCP Twitters


Eve Resources


Eve Hashtags


Joining the Tweet Fleet

The following criteria must be met for admittance to the Tweet Fleet:

  • Eve-related material.
  • Interesting and relevant information.
  • Regular but not excessive tweets.
  • Frequent interaction with other Eve tweeters.

If you feel qualified for the Tweet Fleet, send a tweet to @00sage00 asking to be admitted. Be aware that admittance is based on qualification, not on the number of spots open.

Spots available: 4.

Recent Changes
2009.10.10 – The Tweet Fleet created, replacing Eve Tweeters.
2009.10.11 – @chocolips added.
2009.10.16 – @AnMiTh, @Crimsoneer, and @eve_riotrick added.

Yarrbearing, Fighting Spectre, and Tweet Fleeting


Bremkr > did you destroy my ship just for fun?
Jgxrut > no, i did it for the loot and the salvage
Bremkr > then why did you pk me after?
Jgxrut > that was for fun

I have been lurking lately in a pocket lowsec system, which so far has been absolutely fantastic for me. I can PvP, hunting pirates and unwary missioners. I can also PvE, The system has been just perfect for me, as I can simultaneously PVP and PVE – there is a level 4 agent in the system that I can use when there is no one in system to shoot. I also use the agent to bait and kill mission-probing pirates; At one such encounter, I sat at the warp in point of an accel gate in my Dominix of Death, Doom, and Poddings (well, not poddings; it locks too slowly) and deployed T1 drones to make the pirate think I was a noobie. The following convo happened afterwards; where I used directional-fu to awe the pirate (he was new at it):

00sage00 > o/
00sage00 > queen your alt?
insane betty > yes
00sage00 > lol
00sage00 > saw you trying to probe me
00sage00 > you’re using the anathema named “judo” right? (the Anathema was cloaked at a deep safe, but I had seen it on directional about two hours earlier when it was undocking from a station)
insane betty > u got it
00sage00 > :)
insane betty > im busted
00sage00 > you need to lose some sec status :P
insane betty > :)   i lost some today
00sage00 > saw that
00sage00 > to the guy in a tristan?
insane betty > yep
insane betty > how u find all this out?
00sage00 > 1337 skillz

Trimarked Punisher > Trimarked Rifter

Midway through the week, Spectre and I had a disagreement concerning whether a trimarked Rifter was better than a trimarked Punisher. So we agreed to a 1v1 date.

Spectre3353 > look
Spectre3353 > you go setup a punisher with a buffer like this
Spectre3353 > and i will win a 1v1
Spectre3353 > lets do it
Spectre3353 > we’ll make it a date or something
00sage00 > alright
00sage00 > where at?

Unsure about whether my claim would hold due to Spectre having more skills than me and expensive implants, I began EFT warrioring. I compared both our fits, the Punisher (identical to that in my Punisher Guide, except with trimarks added) with my skills and the Rifter with all level 5 skills, slave implants, and gunnery hardwirings. According to EFT, 1) the Rifter would have twice the DPS that I had, 2) overheated, my rep could help equalize the difference, and 3) my EHP was larger, even without slaves. Although reassured a bit by the stats, I made a slight change to my fit, adding a tracking disruptor with a range script in place of a web, in case Spectre attempted to fight at range.

The next day, I traveled to Spectre’s lowsec abode in “Just A Flesh Wound“, my brand new Punisher. Because I had a tracking disruptor, Spectre fit one as well. My tracking disruptor proved its worth in the first match, as Spectre stayed at range and shot Barrage ammo at me. Thankfully, my rep was easily able to keep up with the reduced damage. The first match ended with a draw, as neither of us could kill each other. So we had a rematch with webs instead of tracking disruptors. This time Spectre popped. Although he was using the wrong ammo for half the fight, I was able to tank his DPS even after the ammo change; at the end of the battle, I was at 93% armor, with around 30% heat damage to my repper and 15% heat damage on my guns. Spectre says I cheated, but he’s just jealous:

Tweet Fleet

The Tweet Fleet is more active than ever before, and @AnMiTh, @Crimsoneer, and @eve_riotrick have been added to the Tweet Fleet. Congrats to the three of you; keep up the tweeting!

If you have a Twitter account, join in on the fun by following the Tweet Fleeters and tweeting about Eve. Also make sure to check the #tweetfleet hashtag and weigh in on the Tweet Fleet QOTDs. For those interested in becoming a member of the exclusive Tweet Fleet listing, make sure to follow the directions at the bottom of the Tweet Fleet page.

The Tweet Fleet

As some of you know, I have been managing a list of Eve Online-related Tweeters. However, I ran into several problems while doing so:

  1. Few people seemed able to follow the simple directions I gave: To be added to this list, please send a tweet to @00sage00 and mention what you spend much of your time in Eve doing (blogger, CEO, courier, industrialist, logistics, mercenary, miner, missioner, ninja salvager, pirate, podcaster, PvPer, ratter, role player, trader, wormhole explorer).
  2. Even fewer people actually sent me a tweet. For about 95% of tweeters out there, I had to proactively hunt them down and send them requests for what they would like to be tagged as.
  3. There are a lot of Eve Twitter accounts (just look at #eveonline).

All together, these issues make it very difficult for me to keep a list going. It would be the equivalent of CrazyKinux, Alexia Morgan, or Ga’len having to add Eve blogs to their listing without anyone telling them about new blogs. As a result, I have decided to take a new tack on this Eve Tweeters list:

So for all those who would like to be in The Tweet Fleet, send a tweet to @00sage00 and include your Eve profession(s) (blogger, CEO, courier, industrialist, logistics, mercenary, miner, missioner, ninja salvager, pirate, podcaster, PvPer, ratter, role player, trader, wormhole explorer) and a short title to accompany your name (title optional).

The contents of the old Eve Tweeters list are below (or see this backup). Happy Tweeting, everyone.


Here’s a list of Eve Tweeters. To be added to this list, please send a tweet to @00sage00 and mention what you spend much of your time in Eve doing (blogger, CEO, courier, industrialist, logistics, mercenary, miner, missioner, ninja salvager, pirate, podcaster, PvPer, ratter, role player, trader, wormhole explorer).

Official CCP Twitters


Eve Resources


100% Eve Only

@00sage00blogger, missioner, ninja salvager, PvPer, ratter, wormhole explorer
@Alexia_Morganblogger, PvPer, ratter
@alexvindaloo – missioner, trader
@autumn_aetherblogger, missioner, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@Atraxerxes – CEO, podcaster, PvPer, trader
@Beattie282 (EveHub)site
@bel_amar – industrialist, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@BorisHotch (HelpMyMission)site, podcaster, missioner
@casiellablogger, industrialist, pirate, role player, trader, wormhole explorer
@chainercygnusblogger, industrialist, miner, PvPer, role player, trader, wormhole explorer
@chocolipsblogger, missioner
@Colonel_Xaven – PvPer
@CyberInEveblogger, ninja salvager
@3P1C_F41Lsite, PvPer
@Eve_Aggro (Aggression Alliance)
@eve_privateer – wormhole explorer
@eve_riotrickblogger, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@evenewbblogger, pirate, PvPer
@evewarriorblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer
@flashfreshblogger, pirate, PvPer
@Galen_Druid (Wandering Druid)blogger, pirate, PvPer
@Godlesswandererblogger, pirate, PvPer
@gremrodblogger, PvPer, ratter
@Happy_Sanblogger, pirate, PvPer
@Iambeastxblogger, missioner, PvPer
@jorshanblogger, industrialist, miner, missioner
@K162spaceblogger, industrialist, miner, wormhole explorer
@Kelduum (Eve University Director)site, CEO
@KirithKodachiblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer, trader, wormhole explorer
@Lumenarious_Rexblogger, missioner, PvPer
@MissionsCollidepodcaster, industrialist, miner, missioner, trader
@Mordozanblogger, missioner, ninja salvager, trader
@Mynxeeblogger, CEO, pirate, PvPer, wormhole explorer
@Novon_, gambler, mercenary, miner, trader
@Nursultanblogger, pirate, PvPer
@Ombeyblogger, PvPer
@oneve – missioner, PvPer
@paigerankblogger, courier, industrialist, logistics, miner, missioner, ratter, role player, trader
@Pastor Phelpsblogger, missioner, PvPer
@podded101 – missioner, PvPer
@Retticblogger, PvPer, ratter, wormhole explorer
@Rin_Yhun – pirate, PvPer
@SawnAconite – industrialist, missioner
@seaprior – goon, ratter
@Smakalicioussite, site, PvPer
@SmokingMinerals – miner, wormhole explorer
@sodanbikatur – missioner, ratter
@titusballsblogger, ninja salvager, ratter
@venomorchidblogger, pirate, PvPer
@vol_jblolazblogger, industrialist, PvPer
@wensleyblogger, pirate, PvPer
@wu_shih – missioner

Eve and Other Things

@alaphwolfblogger, missioner, PvPer
@Merkus_Letifer – wormhole explorer
@ericschoblogger, industrialist, missioner, PvPer
@jamesremuscat – industrialist, missioner
@jamesSp – PvPer
@Koori_blogger, CEO, industrialist, wormhole explorer
@micha149 – industrialist, logistics, miner
@MidKnight_Reign – missioner, PvPer
@R_Javorskyblogger, missioner
@rurouniyuudai85 – missioner, miner, PvPer
@Shinobi_Boa – PvPer, role player
@StMistaken – industrialist, logistics
@Th3Elitistblogger, miner, missioner
@xiphos83 (A Misguided Adventurer)blogger

Recent Changes
2009.08.20 – @paigerank added.
2009.08.24 – @Iambeastx and @gremrod added.
2009.08.28 – @podded101, @Happy_San, @rurouniyuudai85, @Rin_Yhun, @CCP_Fallout, @dust514, @EONmagazine, and @winterblink added.
2009.08.29 – @3P1C_F41L, @MissionsCollide, @Lumenarious_Rex, and @SawnAconite added.
2009.08.30 – @MissionsCollide, @BorisHotch, @vol_jbolaz, and @Th3Elitist tags updated. @micha149 and @oneve added.
2009.09.07 – @Merkus_Letifer added.
2009.09.08 – @poddedpodcast, @jorshan, @Koori_, @EveTournament, @SmokingMinerals, @evetube added.
2009.09.09 – @K162space added.
2009.09.11 – Reorganized the groups to make it more clear as to which were CCP twitters and which weren’t (@eveonline does NOT belong to CCP).
2009.09.13 – @stevebirney has changed to @alexvindaloo. @chocolips added.
2009.09.16 – @evebloggers, @smakalicious, and @Alexia_Morgan added.
2009.09.22 – @titusballs, @bel_amar added.
2009.09.25 – @Ombey added.